Tuesday 18 August 2015

Catch up begins

Work has begun in earnest on the August to do list.

The Murrayas planted last summer to form a hedge to screen the garden beds have been weeded, top dressed with compost and then mulched.
Murrayas with their new top dressing of compost. 
A thick layer of sugar cane mulch was then placed on top to help prevent moisture loss as it heats up going into the warm weather, plus there's the added benefit of helping to keep the weeds down.

As too have the planter boxes.
Even though these planters are a wicking design like the garden beds, the mulch helps to minimise moisture loss.

This top dressing and mulching helps to get the plants ready for spring growth, and coming summer heat.

The chinese Artichokes were dug up, but I'm sure there's been heaps of small ones missed, and no doubt we'll see them come up in this bed again closer to Summer.

These look like some sort of grub, and they are even about that size, but they are actually Chinese Artichoke.

The turmeric and ginger were also dug up.
A muddy looking clump of roots will hose off to reveal fresh Turmeric and Ginger.

This garden bed is starting to look a little more empty, at least in one half. On the other the tomatoes and sweet potato has taken over. It may take a little longer to get that sorted and tidied.
Now you can see at least one half of this wicking garden. The large upright pipe is used to fill the base layer which holds a bladder of water. The other were an experiment to see if worms could be integrated into the system.

We've still got a long way to go to finish preparing the garden for the start of spring, but at least the first steps have been taken.

What are you doing in your garden to prepare for the coming season?

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